Digital Organisations in Retrograde

Posted - February 09, 2023

Delivered online through Zoom. Thursday 29 July 2020 10am – 12:30pm AEST.

Design Thinking is a creative approach to problem-solving that can be used to explore any complex problem (otherwise known as a “wicked problem”).

This introductory workshop follows a rapid and simplified Design Thinking process and explores some of the key principles of Design Thinking by moving through activities that clarify a problem area, explore optimistic opportunities, develop creative ideas as possible solutions, test these ideas through rapid-prototyping and commit to acting on implementing these ideas in some way. This workshop has been run successfully with thousand of participants from diverse backgrounds across Australia.


Welcome and framing around the principles and process of Design Thinking and an icebreaker exercise.

Understanding a problem from the perspective of an end user through an empathy exercise.

Turning a problem from “What’s Not Working for Whom?” into an optimistic opportunity through a “How Might We…” question.

Good idea / bad idea challenge: group, rapid generation of ideas and potentials solutions that explore the opportunity.

Selection of a “moonshot” idea and create a rapid prototype, to present to the rest of the group.

Final reflection and evaluation with participants sharing a commitment to one small action with an accountability partner.

This workshop will continue with an optional extra 30mins of Q&A with your facilitator. Feel free to stick around and ask a question to help you on your Design Thinking Journey ahead!


You will receive a PDF copy of all slides and resources used during the workshop.

You will be able to share and replicate the Design Thinking tools and activities you have practiced during the workshop when you return to their everyday working environment.

You will have a sense that a problem area has been progressed in some way and a sense of how momentum might continue to improve the problem area following the workshop.

You will have had fun!